Edinburgh Home Extensions: Create Space & Save Sanity With Top Building Expert

Edinburgh Home Extensions: Create Space & Save Sanity With Top Building Expert

Ah, the joys of living in a tiny house in Edinburgh! As my family grows, it feels like we’re auditioning as a breakout Fringe act: juggling furniture, belongings, the dog, and an exponentially increasing amount of new baby “essentials”. It had gotten to the stage where I was scared to open the cupboard under the stairs for fear of being buried under an avalanche of necessaries that we simply didn’t have the space for.

Despite all this, we love our home. We love the park across the street, and the local school will be great for when the bairn gets past the toddling stage. We didn’t want to move and, quite frankly, we couldn’t afford to! So, we decided that the only way was up… or out, in our case, and decided to build an extension over our back deck area.

Of course, I had no idea where to start. I mean, I can barely hang a picture straight, let alone build an extension. So, I turned to the experts at New Haven Building Company. They were the obvious choice, with a reputation for making dreams come true and creating stunning home extensions across our historic city.

Check out all the great work they do – and see if you can spot our gorgeous extension amongst their portfolio – at https://newhavenbuildingcompany.co.uk/services/property-extensions

Home extensions are an increasingly popular way to add living space to your home and they can include everything from loft or basement conversions to rear or side extensions (like ours). Homeowners seeking to build extensions in our fair city of Edinburgh, however, must work with a specialist team to design and build extensions that match the existing architecture and comply with the city’s famously strict regulations.

Building on their five-star rating for carrying out conversions and renovations in the city, New Haven Building Company is a trusted partner that can help you balance creating your dream home with the necessary requirements to get it approved. They quite literally turn dreams into reality – and save you from the claustrophobic nightmare of city living!

Their expert team works closely with homeowners to design and build extensions that meet your specific needs and requirements. New Haven Building Company’s comprehensive insurance, commitment to quality, strong customer communication, and ability to work within budgets and timelines have made them the premier all-trades building company throughout Edinburgh and the Lothians.

So, if you’re in the same boat as we were, don’t hesitate to reach out to New Haven Building Company. They’re the experts you need to make your home extension dreams a reality, without any of the stress or headaches. They sorted us out fast and kept us in the loop every step of the way. Now I really can leave the furniture juggling to those clowns on the Royal Mile!

Give New Haven Building Company a call at 01313-701623 or visit their website at https://newhavenbuildingcompany.co.uk/services/property-extensions

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