Top London Knee Clinic Offers No-Referral Consultations For Advanced TKR Options

Riddle me this:

When you go to the doctor, surgeon, or medical specialist – do you want them to use the techniques that worked best 20, 50, or 100 years ago, or do you want the best we have to offer, today? If the answer is the latter, my advice is to visit

Here’s the thing – science is advancing, fast, and medical science may be even faster.

That’s a great thing if you’re a fan of modern medicine, and trust me, I am, and I think we all should be, right?

Why don’t I tell you about the new technique that’s got me all excited, and then you can decide? It’s called TWIS-TKR.

Turn With Intelligent Stability – Total Knee Replacement

In a nutshell – this new surgical technique combines advanced arthroplasty with modern artificial intelligence analysis.

What does that mean for you and me? Don’t worry, I’ll explain it all – but here’s a tip.

If you would rather get your explanations from an expert, I don’t blame you. It’s easy too – you can book your own appointment with an MSK Doctors specialist, without a referral from your GP.

In a hurry? No problem, because they don’t believe in waiting lists. You can schedule anything, from consultation or diagnosis to treatment.

First though – let me tell you about TWIS-TKR.

With this new technique, you can get a custom rotational alignment for your new prosthetic knee, which is entirely unique to you, and how you move in daily life.

How? Well, with a bit of AI analysis to determine the specific movement patterns you use during regular daily activities, and to translate that data into a custom fit for your prosthetic.

Show Me The Evidence

TWIS-TKR is still relatively new, so if you have doubts, I get it.

So let’s talk trials, and results – because they’re just as exciting.

Here’s how a specialist from MSK Doctors explained it, “TWIS-TKR represents a groundbreaking approach in total knee replacement. This innovative technique focuses on custom kinematic rotation alignment, offering patients a more natural and responsive knee joint.”

In clinical trials, the new prosthetic showed improvements in four main areas, including mobility and stability. How? Well, researchers believe the custom alignment of the TWIS-TKR prosthetic allows for a greater range of motion, while also helping to keep the knee stable through shifting loads and movement patterns.

It’s almost like having a new knee designed for how you move… just makes sense. That’s not all the benefits though.

The clinical trials show improvements in other areas too, including my two favourites, recovery times and Patient Reported Outcomes. Most folks report a faster return to their normal daily activities, with more natural feeling movements. That’s a win-win.

In comparative studies, TWIS-TKR also showed a reduced risk of postoperative complications, and the potential to last longer than a traditional knee prosthetic, which is believed to be a result of better load-bearing on the knee.

A Bit More Work To Start, Is Worth It

Although the TWIS-TKR technique does require at least one additional visit to the clinic, to provide movement data for the AI motion analysis, clinical trials suggest the program offers long-lasting benefits that are well worth the extra time.

Folks with the TWIS-TKR report higher levels of satisfaction with their new knee, in terms of movement, stability, recovery, and a more natural feel, and what could be more important than that?

Here’s my advice – if you’re interested in TWIS-TKR or other advanced medical techniques, just ask an expert.

You contact an MSK Doctors specialist directly, with near-immediate appointments always available for consultation, diagnosis, or treatment. The clinic does not use waiting lists and never requires a referral, so it’s fast, easy, and convenient.

Also, I just really like the feeling of booking my own appointments, instead of having a doctor refer me. It’s nice.

Try it yourself, at

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