Overcome Imposter Syndrome & Achieve Excellence With This Award-Winning Book

Overcome Imposter Syndrome & Achieve Excellence With This Award-Winning Book

Whether you’re a respected CEO, a revered teacher, in your twenties and trying to figure it all out or in your 50s and wondering when it all went so wrong, it’s important to understand everyone experiences self-doubt.

Everyone has fears they don’t like to talk about and everyone, at some point in their life, has questioned their choices.

The only difference between you and someone who’s achieved their dreams and is living their best life is the vision you have for yourself.

Award-winning author Tony J. Selimi is an expert in this area.

A life strategist and business coach who specializes in human behavior and in optimizing human potential, Tony is an internationally recognized leader in executive mentorships and self-help resources that put old, self-limiting beliefs to the wayside so clients can experience the successes they were born to achieve.

His latest book, “A Path to Excellence: The Blueprint to Achieving Your Greatest Potential” – already awarded top prize by Maincrest Media and an Amazon #1 best-seller – teaches you about the science of changing, growing, and transfroming your mindset and gives you the tools needed to build personal and professional excellence.

Recommended for CEOs, HR leaders, entrepreneurs, teachers, and anyone in a position of authority and influence striving to achieve greater career, relationship, or financial accomplishment, “A Path to Excellence: The Blueprint to Achieving Your Greatest Potential” sets forth eight clear principles you can implement to master the level of confidence and inner strength that lead to outstanding success.

Find out more at https://www.amazon.com/Path-Excellence-Blueprint-Achieving-Potential/dp/B0B8317KN8

Achieving personal and professional excellence is attainable if you are willing to work for it.

In his newest book, Tony presents The Octagon of Excellence, eight confidence, resilience, and integrity-building principles that transcend counterproductive fears and barriers to help you grow to your fullest potential.

Himself an example of what can be achieved in the face of unimaginable adversity, Tony fled war-torn Macedonia in 1990 and moved to London. Near penniless, he put his intellect, drive, and personal potential to work.

And he can do the same for you.

Having gone on to graduate from University College London (UCL) in engineering and pursue studies across the humanities, Tony earned commendations from the International Coaching Federation (ICF), the Institution of Leadership and Management (ILM), Demartini Institute, the Complementary Therapists Association, and Martin Brofmans’ Foundation of Advanced Healers from which he graduated as a practitioner of Body Mirror System oh Healing and is a certified Reiki Master Teacher.

Today, Tony is the winner of the London SME Most Visionary Entrepreneur 2020 award, The EXPY and the Corporate Coaching and Recruitment Business Coach of the Year award in 2022. His work and previous books have been endorsed by former President Barack Obama, Jack Canfield, and other renowned public figures.

If what you need is solid direction instead of theoretical platitudes, you’ll find that in “A Path to Excellence: The Blueprint to Achieving Your Greatest Potential,” penned by the CEO of a global coaching practice.

Tony has been instrumental in helping entrepreneurs, leaders, teachers and dedicated individuals align themselves with universal laws and principles that drive holistic prosperity.

Featured in various national publications and at international events as a keynote speaker, Tony is often called upon to lead talks on leadership, entrepreneurship, the evolution of consciousness, peace, well-being, and spirituality.

His latest book reveals key strategies you can follow to realize your own personal power and achieve the success you yearn for.

Get step-by-step guidance through the tenets of human excellence. Sail past self-doubt and self-imposed limits to uncover the potential you were born with.

Tony helps you understand those old emotional injuries that developed into life-altering obstacles so you can find the answers and the strategies you need to live a life of personal fulfillment and greater financial reward.

Are you ready to turn the page on “settling?”

“A Path to Excellence: The Blueprint to Achieving Your Greatest Potential,” is available at major retailers and through Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Path-Excellence-Blueprint-Achieving-Potential/dp/B0B8317KN8

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